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Old 07-06-2011, 04:09 PM
Kim Bohannon
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Originally Posted by mjsylvstr
While husband was trying to install a new heat return in the floor and being an old home,the floors were very hard wood and the large nails just didn't want to go in as directed, he bent quite a few.....

needless to say, he was getting very annoyed and he %&*()^%$# a few expletives ........ and daughter, about three years old, replied....

"Daddy, you didn't bow your head when you said God's name".

He laid down the hammer and nails and decided to finish another day.

That is just tooo cute!

My sister did similar once, my dad heard his favorite word come out of my sister's mouth, jumped all over her, then realized that she was just copying her daddy, told her he would work very hard to stop cussing, too!
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