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Old 07-06-2011, 08:27 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Some where in way out West Texas
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I had a good case of the Chicken Pox when I was about 10 yrs old, but I also had the shingles in the spring of 09. They were on my right upper thigh, buttock, back and groin and pelvic area. Honey they doooooo give you a lot of pain. My pain began 4 days before I broke out and I had a mild case. The Dr. gave me a mild pain med. can't remember what it was, but nothing for the itch. The only thing I found for that was white vinegar on a soft cloth every time I began to itch and dab the wet cloth on the places. Nothing else I tried helped at all. I did not scratch the blister places but I do have scars from them. I had trouble wearing clothing as well, and missed two weeks work. I still have pain from time to time in all the areas that I had the shingles. I'm not trying to discourage you, but my pain lasted off and on for about 6 mos. A friend told me it took her MIL well over a year to get over hers.
I would hightly suggest to anyone who has not had them to get the shot. If you haven't had the shingles, you have no idea what the pain is like, none that I've had before, and it hurts continously. Broken ribs were bad and most pain I had endured before the shingles. Good luck friend, I hope you get over them soon and get some kind of relief!!! Those of us who have had the shingles know exactly what you are going through.
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