Old 07-07-2011, 06:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Lori Peercy
So we have Lawsonmugs, Jennifer22206 and littleone still sitting on the bench? Lawsonmugs yours has been mailed - Jennifer you should be hearing angel wings soon - littleone yours is stuck in the backlog of mail from the postal strike and will make its way to you.
Thanks for the update Lori, know you have worked hard to keep everything running smoothly and all us benchers informed. You do a super job. I am thinking I will receive two great SP packages in Aug. Backlog is so accumulated and more being added every day. The July SP will be added to the existing backlog. Posties were on the news last night, still not permitted to work anymore then 1 hour of overtime so they have opted out not to work any at all. I no longer use Canada Post.
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