Thread: walmart yippy
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Old 07-08-2011, 11:34 AM
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Mass.
Posts: 80

I was encouraged by the news of the return of fabric at Walmart only to be let down! The Walmart in MA a few miles away has no fabric-looked at me like I was nuts for looking and asking! The one in my town has a couple of dozen fabrics folded around a cardboard square. I would have to but the entire stock to make a baby blanket! And I was told they had yarn-looks like leftovers from a fire sale-no red, navy etc just a few of unpopular colors. Not to be discouraged, I went to Michael's this morning for pink, baby yarn. O silly me, the yarn dept. looks like it had been attacked ! I left there with nothing too. Very discouraging! Since Walmart has put all the LQS and fabric stores out of business, we really have nothing.
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