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Old 01-27-2007, 07:55 AM
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 47

Hi, Kathy and thanks for the welcome!! I bought the gracie II about a year ago thinking that I could use my "spare" singer machine on it. It just didn't have enough throat space and I didn't want to put my quantum on it and have to move it on and off to sew. The frame sat unused for several months and everytime I went to the basement I felt like it sticking it's tongue out at me!! LOL After Christmas I decided I just had to get a machine that would work on it so I researched and bought the janome 1600P. Now, the first quilt I did on it......well let's just say that one won'w be shown to ANYONE!! LOL After that, I took some muslin and batting and some fabric that was less than nice and just played until I felt like I had a better understanding and better control. I then quilted a full size quilt and now I have a baby quilt on it. I am LOVING it!! It is sew much fun!!! Now if I have something extra special that I want done and I'm afraid to do, I'll still use the LQS and let them do it. but long story short (er) I really do like it and I like the freedom of doing my own stuff.
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