Thread: walmart yippy
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Old 07-08-2011, 08:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Joanne
I was encouraged by the news of the return of fabric at Walmart only to be let down! The Walmart in MA a few miles away has no fabric-looked at me like I was nuts for looking and asking! The one in my town has a couple of dozen fabrics folded around a cardboard square. I would have to but the entire stock to make a baby blanket! And I was told they had yarn-looks like leftovers from a fire sale-no red, navy etc just a few of unpopular colors. Not to be discouraged, I went to Michael's this morning for pink, baby yarn. O silly me, the yarn dept. looks like it had been attacked ! I left there with nothing too. Very discouraging! Since Walmart has put all the LQS and fabric stores out of business, we really have nothing.

JOIN the CROWD the same here where I live!! They came in and everyone thought it was great, well winthin 5 yrs or less all of the smaller owned stores were gone, then they choose to take out so many things that we all need. WE have to travel 85 miles 1 way now to get so many things that we always had here in town.
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