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Old 07-09-2011, 09:00 AM
Ramona Byrd
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Join Date: May 2009
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[quote=arimuse]dont know, my tomatoes are dying! This is the first time they've ever acted this way. they have sun, water, food. a few at a time just sort of shrivel up and bend over and finally wither away.
Sounds to me like there's either a virus or some bugs under the skin. Look closely, even with a magnifying glass, to see if there's an entrance hole near the ground. Push a straw or needle in to kill any insect.

Get some Diatomaceous Earth, dissolve it in water and spray it generously over your plants. It'll dry and leave a whitish powder that will kill insects. It has microscopic barbs that puncture the skins of insects and they dehydrate and die. You can get this at farm supply stores. Get the food quality..I put some in my cat's water, and my male hasn't had worms since. Used to have to get shots for them.

But all in all, I'd say there is a virus going around your area. How are your close neighbors' gardens/plants/flowers doing?

And do you smoke? Have you dropped old butts near your tomatoes? If the tobacco had a virus, you could spread it to other family members of the tobacco family.
They are part of the nightshade family and a lot of farmers around here won't allow anyone to smoke while working with their tomato crops.

Could you bend the tomatoes over with some of the still growing ends clean and put them under some dirt? They will take root easily, if they have any health left at all. Or if you have a favorite, you could put a can of dirt and put it down in it.
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