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Old 07-09-2011, 09:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Ramona Byrd
Okay, I'm still waiting, because this might happen to any of us.

How did you get your money back from the ATM? I've never heard of this happening, but with my life, the unexpected does happen every now and then. I want to be able to watch for such things.
I had to talk with the bank about it. I guess if you don't grab your money after X-amount of time it will suck the money back in and put it in a separate bin. I say it was a good minute before the money got eaten by the ATM, which I had spent that time trying to pry my purse open. I was on my lunch break when this happened and was half an hour late getting back between waiting and talking with the manager. They're going to give me my money back, but they have to deposit it on my payroll card. And with it being the weekend they're not going to get to that until Monday. Said it'd take a couple days from there. The guy felt bad because when he made the calls he asked "Is there any way we can just give this young lady her money now?", but he can't because of policy. Which I understand, but I had all this stuff planned for Joe's birthday and I needed to pay rent. Thankfully Mom is going to loan me the money until I get my funds back.

So as a general rule: grab money THEN try to open purse to put money in.
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