Old 07-09-2011, 10:58 AM
Ramona Byrd
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when my son was inmiddle school and high school,he graduated 2000.he wasnt allowed to turn in hand written reports,they had to typed or done on a computer.teachers didnt want to have to try to read the kids handwriting.And I honestly thiink because of that his hand writing is terrible[/quote]
Not necessarily so. When my youngest son was in kindergarten he got shifted part time to another class because he already was reading at 3rd grade level. They tested him as being gifted. But they did say that an intelligent kid is a nosey kid and his mind will most likely always work faster than his manual dexterity..which means that most highly intelligent folks will have horrid hand writing. And unfortunately, nowadays it is not really necessary except for signing contracts and checks.

And on reading his notes on BD and other cards, I can sympathize with teachers, they have masses of kids' reports to read and they simply do not have the time to teach each and every one of the class to write legibly by hand.
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