Old 07-09-2011, 05:42 PM
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Thank you all so much for being there for me (and for the hug ;-) ) It certainly does help to know that it is not just me.

Sadiemae I would for sure be in the hot bath if it was not mid winter here- my cast iron bath never warms up these days, but I did have a looooong hot shower! (good for the tight shoulders)

To answer some questions, yes early lace and Dandish, I have the proper foot but no mcd, I do not have the gloves- maybe that would help. I have the extension table thing for my machine and I do think that much flat surface is enough for a piece of this size, although I can see it would be difficult to quilt anything full sized with that setup (as if)

PaperP- I too had heard the fast stitch slow hands but that was giving me the scar look (stitches so tiny and all on top of each other). I am trying medium speed now and have cranked the top tension up as far as it will go. Seems to be giving some sort of result, so fingers crossed...... I have also started making notes so I can remember which combination of problems I am practicing at any one time lol.

Quiltnan I am a keen doodler- never known to waste a boring meeting at work without filling a blank page with swirls ;-)

mtspools- I hear ya! My piecework is starting to look lovely and lovelier without any quilting at all, but I do so want to learn!

Vicky I feel for you at the County Fair, but well done getting out there. Buckeye I would like to do a class but I work full time and on the weekends there is always so much else needing to be done- it is hard to find one but maybe I need to prioritise it higher on my list! I dont have any real life quilting buds- you guys are it!

I would work more on piecing except I do have this one small project all pieced and I promised to give it to my mother ages ago and I have posted before about how there is nothing like your mother to make you feel bad about your inadequacies and I really want to be able to quilt it and get it out of my sewing room and into her living room (where, bless her, she will show it off and tell everyone it is great, just like other things I have made for her which were, in retrospect, pretty wonky)

nance ell, I guess I should have spent more time with the blank sandwiches- you stick at that and let us know how you get on!

Here's to persistence and to all of us "getting it" one day, sooner or later

Thanks again, you ladies are the best.
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