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Old 07-10-2011, 09:01 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: choctaw oklahoma
Posts: 291

so i guess i shouldnt take FatQuipora personally! i started to think i had a web cam going or something.

Originally Posted by romanojg
Originally Posted by LaurieE
My fairy godmother is Magikinka. Although I've done some paper piecing, the many tiny pieces are a bit intimidating.

I want to thank everyone who taped their paper pattern together and colored it. I don't know why but I hadn't thought of doing that. Thanks for the idea. As soon as I get that done, I'll post of photo.

I've been looking at all the names and I haven't seen where a name has repeated. I can't imagine how long it took to come up with all those names.
It probably has to do w/a combination of your answers. On the one that said binding/basting, etc I clicked on bourbon and my name is Boozoria. Makes since even though I rarely drink even though some nights when I'm up quilting and pulling my hair out I reach for a glass of wine.
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