Thread: Who Are You?
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Old 11-07-2007, 07:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Chunkymama
Everyone has such great pics. buttercrean, my baby is a pom. she was hit by a car recently and is now gone. I have a great big hole in my heart the size of her. It's awful to love an animal and then it's gone. My boys are grown me and I miss her. @years ago my DH took our chi out for a walk and a big dog with no leash came up - acting real friendly and she took a submissive pose and bellied up and he bit and crushed her chest- I thouht I was going to die with that one and vowed I'd never love another- now this. I didn't learn my lesson
Oh, that is so awful! I'm so sorry! I have a jack russell and am more than likely, if everything goes as planned adding another addition to our family early in the year. For Halloween, mom and I had a cookout. The night before I took Milo, my JR over to mom's who has 5 dogs (2 are mine). She always lets the collie, who is the biggest collie I have ever seen, loose at night and ties the labs up so they all don't run away Anyway, it was late, around 2 am and I was out on the porch hanging halloween lights, Milo was by my side tied up on the porch. The collie, Rebel, usually stays away when there is another dog around, he doesn't come around the door to the house either, he's always been easy going, doesn't care about a thing. Well, that night, he came right up to Milo, and he's done this before and went on with his way so I didn't think anything of it, then Milo raised his head to greet him and smell him and Rebel snapped, Milo backed down. Note: I was in the middle of hanging these lights with a nail that wouldn't quite go in and thought well Rebel will go along his way. Then, Rebel really snapped all of a sudden for no reason, the first 2 times Milo didnt' do a thing, he just hunkered down but when Rebel really started attacking him, Milo fought back. By this time, I had Milo's leash and was trying to get Rebel off of Milo and get Milo out of the way. The next time I looked, Milo was hanging off of Rebels mouth, biting him then Rebel was on top of him, this was all happening very fast. I was still trying to get the dogs seperated. I don't abuse ANY animal ever, but I was kicking..well more like shoving with my foot the collie trying to get him off. This all happened within a few seconds then I yelled for MOM, who came out and took Milo's leash and drug him through the door, while Rebel was still trying to stay on top of him. Rebel was going right in the house after Milo, he was halfway in the house when I shut the door on his body and he had to come back out. Milo was bleeding on his side and under his mouth. Rebel had just grazed him. I was so afraid Rebel would bite him into, as big as he is. So, I find your story about the big dog crushing your little one's chest horrifying. I meant to mention that Rebel is very very old...I can't quite remember how old...I'm thinking 15 years old? maybe....anyway he has very bad arthritus so I was suprised he moved like he did. I took Milo home after that and haven't had him back over there since. Then, Milo was looking out the window acting like rebel had been playing and wanted to go back out. I think I was shaken up more than he was.
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