Old 07-10-2011, 10:21 PM
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Originally Posted by JulieR
I'm hearing so much disdain for these kids, but I have to wonder, how do you think they would respond to all the threads here bemoaning the fact that nobody could find the QB because an email didn't come that day?

The daily digest email is to them what a calculator is to you - an obstacle to learning how to do something that, in your respective times, is critical to navigating basic social expectations and in most cases, to holding a job.

I don't mean to be rude about it, but we should all try to be a little more tolerant of those who have different skills than we do.
Good point! also, this is not a new issue. My first job when i was in H.S. (the 60's) was in the local grocery store. Even then people complained about clecks that could not count change.
while my kids CAN count back change, several places they have worked instructed them to state the amount machine tells them and hand it to the customer, change first then dollars.
they are not supposed to count it out. i was also taught to lay the money on the register until I counted the change back, so there was no question about what you were given. Thats a big no-no now too.
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