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Old 07-11-2011, 03:51 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 205

Did you buy jelly rolls or did you cut yourself. I have this pattern for the bedrunner and don't know either how to go about the selection. Should I buy different jelly rolls or just select different tones of fabric and cut myself. How did you select???
I love it!!!
Originally Posted by Linda B
The first picture below is from the cover of Judy Neimeyer's Bali Wedding Star pattern. The second picture shows the fabric groupings I've come up with (so far) for the rings. Please give me your honest opinions about the fabrics -- does anything 'jump' out as being too bright, too dull, out of place, etc. This is an expensive and time consuming project and I'll appreciate any help I can get!!! Sorry about the second one being a little bit dark, but with the flash the colors were all washed out. Thanks.
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