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Old 07-11-2011, 05:29 AM
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Ontario, Canada
Posts: 17,705

Weigh to Go!!!
Great losses .... and while you would like the -.2 to be larger, you have reflected on the week and know the reason why it was so! The good news is that you did track your way thru a very "heavy" PPV week and made it.

You brought back memories ... of my first week at WW 12 yrs ago April. I always say the hardest part is coming the first time. My first goal was to show up that day. My 2nd was to show up Week 2, then the 3rd to return Wk 3. I started losing right away, though that wasn't my goal for sometime! I had no clue what might be possible as I'd never really lost weight with any successful length of time.

I am a Canadian WW Lifetime Member and lost 120 lbs via WW. Yea for you finding quilting a great way to stay away from the food and be a "loser"!!! :)

I find that quilting is good for me too, though I tend to get my nose into the sewing and forget to drink my water. I have to work at remembering to drink drink drink. So keep it handy at the machine and keep on drinking.

Plus we don't get much activity at the machine, so as BeckyL suggested, be sure you include activity. The walking is so simple and gives great results. Another way that'll fit with the sewing would be to stop every hour and do some stretches, and/or some cardio activity right next to your machine. Will help you keep from getting the aches and pains we sometimes can get when we sew for long times and help with the weigh lost!

Keep up the great work!
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