Thread: Help
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Old 05-14-2009, 04:42 PM
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Hi, Y'all. I am hoping for some input. My work week is going to be cut -- and as it is, I am living hand to fist. Don't get me wrong -- I am eternally thankful that I am still employed, even at a reduced salary. It was suggested that I look into perhaps selling throws, wall hangings, baby quilts, table runners/placemats, etc., to supplement my loss of pay. I've never done this and, quite frankly, I am apprehensive. I KNOW my work isn't top quality (and not the lowest quality for that matter) but I don't know how to go about selling and what to charge. I believe I can check out local craft shows and such, but pricing has me stumped. All I need is enough to kind of help with my cut in pay. I'm fairly confident there are people out there that have been in this same situation and I'm asking for help. Any suggestions or words of wisdome would be very welcome, and THANK YOU. And did I ever mention how much I love ya'll and this site. It's a bright spot in my life. :)

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