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Old 05-16-2009, 11:20 AM
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Originally Posted by borntoquilt
Beautiful!! Where do I get the book/pattern and instructions? Any one book better than another? And how do you sew together? Full of question, I know but I have not seen this before... truely lovely!!!
The directions for this( Dresden made Kaleidoscopes) is few and far between. I originally saw it on Simply Quilts but can't tell you the episode
You can google for Dresden Kaleidoscopes. The only thing I saw were stack and whack which is differant.

I am releasing my second EBook hopefully yet this month and I chose to do it on my Dresden Kaleidoscopes. It is a how to guide to do this my way and 8 patterns to use them in

You can google for Kaleidoscopes and Dresdens but other than the one on Simply Quilts I didn't see anything like it. That is not to say it isn't out there but I have my own spin on things that have come from doing them for almost 15 years.

Hope that helps!
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