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Old 07-14-2011, 03:47 PM
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 4,134

Originally Posted by BuzzinBumble
Oh my goodness MTS.... does that ever look like fun! But it isn't cheap. I now have something else to save up for / dream of buying someday / beg for for Christmas / etc. It can do so much more than Paint! Thanks for the link.
They have a very "lite" version called Design Wizard.

I've never used it because I have EQ, but it's a way to get some experience and use out of design software, and the price is right.

It's like some people only use 1% of what Word or Excel software is capable of and don't even realize it.
You might find DW fits your need. And if you ever did want to switch to EQ, you're not out a ton of money.
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