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Old 07-14-2011, 11:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Ramona Byrd
Keep them both and complain to your DH about that nasty friend of yours who held a gun to your head and forced you to shell out money for that machine that you would never have bought on your own except for that sneaky female who tricked you into going out with her and it was all her fault for forcing you out of your house when all you really wanted to do was stay home and bake a cherry pie for your DH to eat with his dinner when he came home from working so hard, and you know that he's such a darling that he won't let you go buy a gun to shoot your friend because friends are really hard to come by but the ones who makes you buy buy buy are not that good of a friend but then over the years you will know that you did the right thing by buying anything connected with sewing
:thumbup: :thumbup: Love it. BrendaK
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