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Old 05-17-2009, 10:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Rhonda
He is adorable!! Looks like he could get up to some mischief!!

I know what you mean about they feel like your own. I had my grandson Jake for the first three years of his life. I had him 10 to12 hour days 6 days a week as his parents both worked long hours.
When he started preschool and I only had him three days a week it was so hard! Then he started school and I only see him one weekend every two months now.

He's 10 now. We have a special bond because of it and he loves to come and spend time with his Grandma Rhonda and Papa. His dad says he'd rather come here than go anywhere else! He always chooses to come here first over his friends or his other grandma!
Partly it's because he is the youngest of 4 and his parents are always on the go. So I let him talk and tell me anything he likes and we do stuff together. He gets one on one that he doesn't get a lot of at home.

I hope and pray your kids will get things worked out so they can be close to you!!
There is nothing so precious as a child and nothing's any better than spending time with them!
It is a real mood lifter to listen to your grandchild's chatter and laughter!!

I have my 5 yr old twins Daymon and Devon and 7 yr old Rachel this weekend and I love to sit back and listen to their play!! You can learn a lot too!!! They tell stuff I'll bet Mom and Dad don't know they know!
Such great pictures, Pam.
I always cried when my grandma would leave us, at the end of one of her visits. My, Crystal, usually doesn't say goodbyes...she can't deal with it. Usually, i just kiss her on top of the head and go, so she doesn't have to. I know they can't move back, soon enough. you'll be teaching him quilty stuff, before you know it! :D

Rhonda, you sound just like me, about the kids. I stop everything I am doing, when one of my gkids, is here. They get all my attention. Granddaddy even feels just a bit like a third wheel, but we do what we can to include him. Crystal has him wrapped around her little finger.
I love being a nana!!! Have I ever shared that on board before? :wink:
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