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Old 07-15-2011, 09:41 AM
Nancy Ingham
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Shipshewana, IN
Posts: 775

Thank you all for the trip down memory lane! I am 65 and I remember walking back and forth to elementary school over a mile each way in fresh starched dresses and I had seven siblings…five of whom were sisters. I remember watching the man travel along Main Street lighting the gas street lights at dusk. I remember the coal stove in the living room, the wood stove in the kitchen, and Mom heating up hot water for our Saturday night bath. I remember the water closet over the toilet in the bathroom. I remember playing Dominos and Chinese checkers with my great Aunt while eating Lorna Dunes and pink & white mints when we were good. I remember playing outside until dark, collecting bugs in jars, playing kick the can, marbles, hind-n-seek, hopscotch and jump rope. I remember grandpa eating broken up bread in his tea for breakfast (I was told this was from the depression years). I remember the ice man stopping by the house on hot summer days, breaking off a piece of ice (with his ice pick) for each of us kids to cool off with and the icy water running down our arms and dripping on our bare legs while we sat on the back steps. I remember families getting together on Sundays after church and there being lots of food and music with my Grandpa playing the spoons and singing ‘Good Night Irene’ (my mothers name). And…I remember that our school teachers would hit us on our knuckles with the ruler when anyone misbehaved in class.

Thanks for the memories.
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