Old 07-15-2011, 10:01 AM
Loretta in Indiana
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Bloomington, Indiana
Posts: 23

A nearby town, Nashville Indiana, had a small shop that used to sell American-made quilts for hundreds of $$. They were one-of-a-kind, hand or machine-made.

When I went there about 2 years ago, all the American quilts were gone and in its place were cheap Chinese-made quilts. The owner said that most consumers do not want to pay the high-price of American-made textiles, but would be willing to pay for the cheaper Chinese goods, even though it is visibly of lesser quality. (Large uneven stitchery, imprecise piecing, cheap backing).

The American public, now used to seeing Chinese and other imported quilts, blankets, comforters, which we can purchase for much less, will NEVER realize just what goes into a hand-made American quilt. In the back of our minds, we think "I can get this for $25 at Target/K-Mart" etc.
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