Old 07-15-2011, 10:07 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: my heart is in texas, philly and london
Posts: 4,756

hi guys! i have almost finished the 2nd baby quilt qnd later today i will start the one for the older brother. feels good to be back to quilting! as you know, i am ignoring my headache until i have the mri, hopefully with some news, and then the e n t. i am not ignoring my health, it's hard to be healthy without it, and isn't that one of our missions? to lose weight, to get healthier. i'm trying to not let it rule me(it being the headache.) i noticed earlier today that my right eye isn't behaving well, and that may be why i have lost more color vision. perhaps i should start doing art quilts and then people will think i put those crazy colors together to make an artistic statement! lol. i have a friend from africa who is an srtist and mixes all his paints by formula so he knows what color he is using. hope i will be as creative! fortunately, my daughter wants a black and white quilt, lmao. no proooblem! anyway, i'm getting ahead of myself- i still see plenty of colors. my right eye has always been my good eye, so to have it deteriorate is very scary. it's the one with the ocular hypertension which is not yet glaucoma.
i know we all have our challenges and that's what makes it life. being dead is no challenge at all. so i choose life and the marvelous unpredictabilty that makes it fun to get up everyday. i get knocked down, but i get up again..sing along if you know the words! i wonder if our discussion of health matters drives some of the joiners off? seems we have a lot fewer this month.
xylie--where are you? you are too quiet! speak up girl!.
i'm very glad you are here. without you i'd still be eating twinkies and wishing i could be thin. now i'm seeing my wishes come true, minus the twinkies! we had fresh wild salmon and jersey corn for dinner. mmm mmmm good! i love reading everyone's posts, and even tho' i may not acknowledge you by name i'm thinking of you, praying for you, and wishing you the best and thanking you for being there! i am losing, i am in control.
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