Old 07-16-2011, 09:19 PM
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Rita's mom, I need to find the resolve to get this weight off, too. When you closer to the end, it's easy to let it slide. I'm not a fan of the word willpower - what is the state we're in now? Won'tpower??

Things haven't been as good as they could be around here. Any time you are dealing with a large number of related people, feelings get ruffled. A large number - I have five children, four in law children (one deceased, sadly), twelve grandchildren, six, soon to be seven, in law grandchildren and seven great grandchildren, plus an ex-husband who doesn't understand why he isn't included when he's the one who chose gambling over us. Trying to keep 24 people happy all at once can be interesting.

Thank you for the compliments. Stacey was a beautiful bride - I am not and have never been beautiful, but it's okay. The dress was a last minute replacement when the weather turned very warm. It's amazing what's in the back of my closet. The real beauty is the 16 year old who is of Irish/Scottish and Hispanic descent. The nice thing is that she's as good as she is pretty.

I wish it were 24 hours from now. Tomorrow is the first time I will have seen my friend since he became my ex-friend. Lord, it sounds like I'm a 16 year old. Ah, well, we are both adults. It may be uncomfortable for a few minutes, but I will survive.
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