Old 07-16-2011, 10:51 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Bard,California
Posts: 697

Originally Posted by MissyGirl
Wow Xylie...you are one busy lady!! You have so much knowledge and energy to do all of those things. I admire you and respect you so much for being such a go getter!

Well,that's just it,I don't have the energy,and I'm really not a go-getter.That's why I'm Pooped out and drained.I mean,when things like this happens,we can't just sit in 110 degree heat.It has to be fixed,no getting around it.It's a sad thing to live in a neighborhood of people,some guys,but they don't know squat,they just pick up the phone and call a repair man at $100. just to drive out here,then the rest on top of that.Their nice people,but are city folks and most came from San Diego.They don't know how to do these things,I do because I grew up that way.We always fixed our own things.And that's why Nita,my neighbor called me,she knew I would be her best bet.Most are like those 2 guys standing there when I got there.You should of seen there eyes tho when I got her going.It was priceless!
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