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Old 07-17-2011, 12:45 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 380

Would this be a bad idea? Send a note saying something like "I just want to let you know that the best way to launder the quilt I made for your baby is_______. I'm glad I had the time to make it because it took _______days/weeks to complete and I wanted it to be special for that special baby. Once I learned you like the monkey theme I searched for just the right fabric and thought long and hard how to incorporate it into the quilt. I'm glad you liked it." Would that wake them up or just be too in their face?

In my family, my mom who never stands for disrespect would be quick to tell the recipient that they are darn lucky to get such a precious and expensive-to-make gift and too bad they do not know how to make one themselves or they would know it's a wonderful gift. And that would straighten them out without me being involved cause I couldn't stop her if
I tried (which I wouldn't).

I have to forgive people who hurt me because that is what God expects of me. And I think your quilt is one of the cutest I've ever seen. How did you quilt it? Was it stitch in the ditch or flip and sew?
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