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Old 07-17-2011, 01:28 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 380

Originally Posted by dollycathy
The worst thing that ever happened to me like this is when a friend of mine was sick, I gave her a quilt made in her favourite colours to cheer her up, later on after she was better she told me that she didn't really like the quilt and hoped i didn't mind but she’d given it to the dog. Ah well at least he appreciated it he’s slept on it ever since maybe that’s who it was meant for all along.
Did you explain to her that that was not appropriate? Kids need to be educated in a nice way. If we don't, how will they learn? When I give kids candy or gifts, and they say "I don't like this," I say.. "It would be better to take it and give it to a friend,dear. It isn't nice to say you don't like a gift." Someone should have done manners 101 a long time ago with the people who got your quilt. Sometimes done with humor manners 101works even at a late age. Like when he said "another blanket" say "Honey, you say the sweetest things. And to think I slaved over a hot sewing machine for hours to create this for your little brat uh I meant precious child." Well, I had time to think up this response and you were shocked I'm sure to get that response from him. And I'm likely to offend with remarks when I am offended, unless I pray for
patience. :)
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