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Old 07-17-2011, 04:39 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2009
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Originally Posted by 3699quilter
Originally Posted by GGinMcKinney
The thank you cards are another issue. I read where a bride to be wanted to write one thank you card and pass it around at the shower. Yes, the attendees heard about it in advance. I would not attend that shower for sure!
I am not happy when I'm given an envelope at the shower for me to address myself so the bride can send a thank-you. They have the address from the invitation - make 2 labels.
Oh, my. This is a new one --- never heard about this. How terrible!?! Writing thank yous isn't hard, it just takes a little time. Wow!! When did complete lack of manners become acceptable? My mother had a good way to teach my brother and me about writing thank young as 7 or 8, we had to write them. As bad as they were, she sent them (I even found a couple among my grandmother's things after she died). We weren't allowed to wear the clothing/read the book/play with the toy/spend the money until after we wrote the note. That was a good motivator for us.
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