Thread: My Geishas
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Old 07-17-2011, 06:04 AM
jodiann2's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: summerfield, fl 34491
Posts: 31

Originally Posted by ritamaew
I just bought the tea ceremony geisha and I wonder if you would give instructions for the background and border work that is not in the pattern.

Thanks for asking Rita. I love my tea ceremony geisha.
I tried to make the background look like a real Japanese
tea room. I just added the black strips randomly. I painted
the background scene with crayolas. I tried to make the
bottom look like flooring, also with crayolas. I painted her
face with white ceramic paint, deluted with water, to make
her look more like a real geisha. I checked online about
how they applied their makeup and tried to make her
look authentic. I also used extra batting behind her head
to give her some demention. I made the arm on her kimona hang loose to also give it some demention.
It took me some time to finish her. I would hang her on my design wall and look at her for hours trying to deside
what to do next. It was a labor of love.
I hope I have been of some help.
Enjoy making her.
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