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Old 07-18-2011, 01:02 PM
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Join Date: Feb 2009
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first off- i've long-arm quilted quite a few embroidered quilts- don't understand the ...can't do that- my only problem with your quilt is the size---length- not a big deal but really a pain in the butt when they are wider than 110"...but it's still not impossible- just a pain in the butt.

if you truely are thinking a long-arm could be in your future- you need to start going to shops and shows and trying out all the different machines- what works for me may not for you- we are all different- and we like different things-
test drive! it's like buying a car- and it's an investment- if you are thinking of putting out the money you don't want to just buy the first deal that comes along- thinking well- it's a longarm===you may hate it and a few years later sell it out of desparation and take a loss--
don't buy the first one you try out- go out there and test drive as many as you can locate!
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