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Old 07-19-2011, 07:48 AM
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I agree, it's not ugly. The colors aren't bad, even if the fabric is not cotton, plus it has meaning for you.

I finished a project a few years when my IL's moved. My MIL gave me some boxes and said "Here you sew. Can you do something with these?." It was a box full of clothing that my DH's GM had cut up a long time and started sewing together in a crazy quilt kind of fashion. There were some big sections already pieced together and I just kept adding. I added some Moda Marble as an inner border.

There was enough fabric to make a King Size quilt for their bed, plus a 24" bed pillow face from a leftover section I couldn't fit into the quilt. My MIL was thrilled. I wish I had a picture to share.
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