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Old 07-19-2011, 03:01 PM
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Originally Posted by emsgranny
I think this quilt is ugly but it has such meaning for me.

My DHs cousins put this together for my dad when he got sick years ago. It is made out of polyester strips and cotton backing. Its great in that its warm and not very heavy. He had severe neuropathy and any kind of heavy blankets or clothes hurt him especially in his feet and legs.He used it at home and took it to the nursing home when mom couldnt take of him any longer.

He was so upset when it supposedly got lost in the laundry. We peeked in doors for several weeks and we finalky saw it in another patients room!!! We told the nursing staff and they quickly retrieved it and had it re-washed. The other patient has torn off dads name label and wrote their name in permanent ink on the back.

Dad was sooo happy to get his blanket back. He passed away 10 years ago and I inherited his qulilt - I sleep with it every nite. I take it with me if I go out of town so I have a little bit of home with me. It has held up well and has outlived dad and 3 of the 4 cousins who made it for him. The other atient's name can stillk be read!!! I always thought it was ugly but it has such great meaning for me that it gets prettier every day lol

So does anyone else have a such a quilt???
I think the quilt is lovely. Glad you have it to use and to have those great memories.
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