Old 07-21-2011, 01:02 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Bard,California
Posts: 697

Originally Posted by nancia
missy i'm so sorry for your heartache.
today is a fat day for me. i must have eaten something that made my abdomen swell. maybe it's just bloat. i know...when things get heated they swell. i'm probably filled with hot air!
i've been working away on the 3rd baby quilt. it is sandwiched and tomorrow i will quilt it and hopefully bind , wash, dry and be done with it. then i just need to finish the painting for the older sister, wrap and deliver. fine'. then i must sandwich and quilt my grand daughter's quilt, which i have been holding off on. just didn't want to ruin it, but truly the parents will be thrilled that i finished it before she leaves for college. mom is still holding at 1cm dilated and is disgusted. i gave the baby a peptalk over skype and let her know she'd be getting an eviction notice if she didn't move out on her own. we'll see. still 2 weeks to the 'official' due date. i'm not heading west until i know there's a baby there!
oh, meant to mention, i've been using the spray basting and i love it! quick, easy and it hasn't created a mess. thumbs up! beats all that hand basting! i hope everyone gets into a positive cycle and the weight starts dripping off twice as fast as the sweat! good night, moon. i'm off to bed!! xoxo
Good job.Did the baby understand?You certainly are talented.I can't pain't.I too would like to see them when you get done.Well,hang in there,you are losing weight already and doing great.It's going to slow a bit then go again.It's just the way it works.I know.And I like the basting method can too.It is a lot more easier and no pinning.Not does it shift around.I get most of my ideas from Sharon Chambers on utube.That woman is a great quilter and has a lot of good tips.Anyway,your doing great.We are in no hurry and can always jump start the losing if need be by the spirutien.So,hang in there and we'll get there.Good luck and you are losing,you are losing,you are losing,you are!
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