Old 07-21-2011, 01:16 PM
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Location: my heart is in texas, philly and london
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missy-- i can definitely see the difference! save these pictures, take another in a few weeks, or months (for more DRAMA) and you will see it too! when i saw you in my mind's eye you had curly hair. other than that you look alot like i thought you did. so nice to see you! i wonder how many of us look like we 'sound' on the board? i look in the mirror and see my grandmother, as i look a lot like her side of the family. i look inside, and i see a 23 year old still sassy!
irishrose-- i will think about showing you the painting. something has to be wrong with it because i never put off finishing one of my art pieces unless there is. i really prefer sculpture, but for the most part, those days seem to be gone. also, sculpture doesn't involve much colorwork, and being colorblind doesn't present a difficulty. i am strongly considering art quilts when i have finished the more traditional ones for my family and friends. then if the colors are off people will say 'what an imaginative and creative use of color!' lollol
my darling manx cat slept on the baby quilt last night. i guess that means it has been approved. i only finished sandwiching it, so today i have to quilt and bind it. i'm excited about the binding, i took the left over blocks (3 1/2" sq) and strung them together in sequence, can't wait to see if it looks as good as i think it will! i received a block in the boomerang swap that i'm in, and it reminded me, i need to finish those up before i start another project. time to put my big girl panties on! always into starting, not so into finishing--did you know that's a trait of bi-polar people? yup, it is.
xylie-- thanks for the encouragement! i don't move much when it's this hot and i'm sure that's slowing me down. of course, i don't move much anyway because of my back but that's not fun to talk about. i love being able to get up and quilt or go fabric shopping! things get done in spurts now. the good news is, they get done.
well, time to eat breakfast. my husband is coming home from work soon and we are going grocery shopping. i don't want to be hungry when we go as my willpower flies out the window! i believe i am losing weight and i am in control! xoxo
ps-bjeriann--i would have taken the 10 lbs and run! who needs a new scale when it reads light???lolol
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