Thread: I'm new
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Old 07-21-2011, 05:12 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: 25 yrs in TN; now back home in MI
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Originally Posted by Rosemary Haslett
Howdy Everyone,

I found this quilting board several weeks ago. I live in the San Antonio, Tx area. I've been reading all your wonderful news, advice and so forth and decide I would finally join your group. I have been sewing for many years. I have been quilting about 20 years but still consider myself as a beginner. I have two wonderful Pfaff sewing machines and alot of time on my hands. I need help in making a decision for a quilt I need to get done in 2 months. I brought 2 packages of 16" MODA Summer Breeze quilt squares. My favorite quilting block is the Log Cabin. I've mostly have made baby quilts, one full size quilt and oversize lap quilts. This quilt might come out to be a queen size quilt. DH all ready thinks I spent to much for the material. So I'm trying to use the squares that I have. I thought about just sewing the 16" squares together but after I laying it out it don't I really don't want to that. So any ideas or help will be greatly welcomed. This quilt is for my Oncolgist's their leaving in Sept. Also I'm NaNa with a Nana's Sewing Room.


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