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Old 05-21-2009, 09:24 PM
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Yep, I definitely like that sunbonnet sue quilt and pillow companion.
So proud that you are getting through your UFO/WIP ... projects.
It is so fun to see what everyone is doing ... and, I can totally identify with your "15 year" timeline.
Special little girl who knows how to entertain herself with pots and pans.
When the boy would come visit us, I had one drawer dedicated to his penchant for playing with little things. whenever I emptied a jar, I would save the lid (plastic or metal) and put them in that drawer and any other little things I would pick up while he was gone. (Ate a lot of happy meals, I want you to know <g>) Anyway, he would come in with his folks, walk over to the drawer, pull out every one of the lids and walk off to go play with something else.
When he turned two, Omakdaddy thought it was time to start getting rid of the lids. I wouldn't do it, but Omakdaddy is more determined and picked up a handful of lids and threw them into the garbage can. (Fortunately for all concerned, I had just emptied the trash, so the can was empty except for those lids). The boy comes strolling out to the kitchen and walked passed the can. He was just tall enough to be able to look in without actually stopping. I was so lucky to have been paying attention to him, because he stopped dead in his tracks and said, "MINE!" and dived in after the lids. After the lids, he got interested in wire nuts ... for YEARS we had to keep wire nuts in a special can for him. He is now fifteen, and I am betting that if I walk into his room, I will find the coffee can full of wire nuts he used to play "soldiers" with.
Aren't children fun???
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