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Old 07-21-2011, 09:17 PM
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Originally Posted by QuiltnNan
Originally Posted by justflyingin
Originally Posted by Tink's Mom
sometimes rules are put into place to limit the people who sign up just to use this site as free advertising or to unload something or just ask for fabric to make a quilt. We have had people, in the past, try to selling a high end machine at way lower than you could get it anywhere.
Please bear with it... :D
I'm personally glad they did it. Plus, they limit how much you can sell. That is also good because it seems like a lot of people have a nice little business on the side, buying at sale prices on places like the 2.50-2.98-3.98/yard for quilt shop fabric (as mentioned in today's posts) and sell at $4-6/yard-- "Quilt shop quality" fabric. Hmmm. It seemed like a lot more like businesses doing 'unofficial' business than people selling their own personal stash as in a yard sale. The gov't limits people to 3-4 yard sales a year (I think) before you get tagged as having a business and needing to report/pay taxes, etc. So, when people here are constantly destashing...(and then buying more), it seems like it is more or less an unofficial business and not just a crafter needing to unload her personal stash.

So, I do like the fact that they limited how much people could sell. I know it wasn't popular, but I think it made it a better site. There were some people who it seemed, only came to QB in order to sell something--not really interact. Ebay, Etsy, etc. are great for that...
well said.
I agree well said.
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