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Old 07-22-2011, 05:36 AM
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Branson West, MO
Posts: 49

I loved that fabric to when I saw it at JoAnn's but didn't want to pay that much for it. Then I was in our fabric out let and he had the fleece for 5.99 a yard so I just had to buy it no knowing what I would make and it was in my stach when I decided to make the nap mats so happy I found something to make it into. Know my G Granddaughter will love it as she loves any thing that is soft and will love the animals. As a friend said who saw it, makes me want to go back to school. LOL. I have a fleece with monkeys on it and monkey on the cotton backling cut out for G Grandson, to many projects ,to little time!!
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