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Old 07-23-2011, 04:39 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: DC metro area
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I've got a system down with my strips. I sew strips so I have ~13" wide. Then cut as many 12.5" squares I can from the strip set, then 4.5" x 10.5" as many as I can, then a 2.5" strip.

That way I'm making 3 quilts at a time. The 12.5" strips I sew all around like the Missouri Star quilt company 1/2 square triangle method

and make a super scrappy pinwheel.

The 4.5" strip I make this or something similiar:

and the 2" strip I make chinese coins quilts-sort of like this but smaller coins with alternating fabric 3-4" or so.

My problem is I like to cut, press and sew my strips but I don't really like to actually piece things into a quilt.

You would not believe how many quilts I have in various stages of construction in my sewing room.

So when I finally force myself to finish I can turn in a bunch at once because I've been working on them all year off and on. I really need a co-quilter. Someone who likes to finish. I can cut out and make the basics and then turn it over the next person. <Sigh>
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