Old 07-24-2011, 09:33 AM
Junior Member
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Allen Park, Mi
Posts: 218

I have alot of patterns and a very little stash. So I will find a pattern and than find the fabric that goes with it. Because of how small my stash is I normaly have to go out and get it. I only buy what I need for a project with only a small amount of extra for mistakes. The rare time I don't mess things up cutting it out, I have stash builder. Normaly only 1/4 or 1/2 yard. So you see why I have to buy as I go.

Originally Posted by Rn8or
My stash is growing weekly. (When I bring home new fabric or receive it in the mail it feels like I ate chocolate!!). I Have downloaded lots of patterns and have so many books but I am getting confused about what fabrics should go with what patterns. How do you all figure this out?
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