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Old 07-25-2011, 09:48 AM
Proud Mamaw
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 4

I'm sorry for the loss of such a special quilt. My story won't help your loss, but I would like to tell you my experience.
A few years ago, my mother-in-law went to a nursing home. No telling how many quilts she had made during the years and the few she still had were kept for safe keeping by her son. She had a nice blanket and bedspread on her bed in the nursing home. The lady who shared her room had a nice quilt on her bed, so I decided to make her a quilt for Christmas. I had never made a quilt before so I chose a nine patch using black and yellow as my colors.
When my husband and I took the quilt to the nursing home, we didn't know if she would even know us. She had progressed to the stage where she was very confused. That day, and for a few more that week, she was clear as a bell! When she looked in the bag and saw the quilt she said, "Why, Jo, that is your first quilt. You should keep that." She loved the quilt and the colors.
As time went on, she would become "lost" and sometimes agitated, but when she saw the quilt she knew she was home. Once she was almost in tears because someone had stolen her quilt. My husband spoke to an aide and she left and returned with the quilt, still warm from the dryer.
My mother-in-law was in the hospital a few weeks before her death. At that point the quilt didn't really matter and we didn't think we would ever see it again, but when her daughter went to the nursing home to get her things, the aides brought her the quilt.
Those kind people had taken the quilt, washed and dried it, and put it in a safe place for her return! I now have that special quilt. Faded, but precious.

Unfortunately, we don't hear enough "good" stories from nurshing homes. I didn't have a good experience when my mother was in one, but my mother-in-law got wonderful care and since I have gripped plenty thrught the years, I need to give praise when it is so richly deserved.

Thank you for letting me share. Proud Mamaw
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