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Old 07-25-2011, 10:18 AM
Sally 1612
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 29

older than old dirt. Do you rember when indoor plumming
mean you had a Pump at the sink to get your water, No
heating there, had to put water on the stove for hot water,
and when you had a biggggggggg metal tub you out water
in )outside) so the sun would heat the water. When color tv meant you put this colored plastic film on the tv screen,screen was about 10 inches,still had that one in 1961. Breakfast was
hot biscuits with a side of Karo syrup or molasses. A side board was where you kept the dishes, karosene lamps, no electric
and every year used the gum-like square to clean the wallpaper
in the house,the bathroom was called the out-house because
it was out side. Watch for snakes and spiders. A one or two
hole place out there...........a washing machine with a ringer and two set tubs to rince the clothes and the big black cast iron kettle to boil the clothes with lye soap to really clean them,oh my am I old....yes.... :)
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