Old 05-25-2009, 05:55 AM
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Originally Posted by quiltncrazy
...wished all those monkeys would come out of the closet, LOL!!!

My hubby is so nutty! was trying to tell him, last night, about this post, and he busted out laughing, when I kept saying the word 'monkey'...so much, that he got me to laughing, and could hardly keep talking...is that a 'code' word, or something? you know me, lived such a sheltered life and all...K, don't believe it, lol...paint my monkeys, bum...hmmm, don't want a baboon, lol...he might need a little more stuffin though...ain't fed him in a while...gotta learn how to use camera, before he can do the big cheese ( :mrgreen: ). I just don't have the time or patience to read the book. Gonna see if my daughter will help me with it, wednesday. She's like her daddy, they just look something over, and go to it. Me? gotta read, but don't like to, read instructions, at all.
I'm weird. Straight A's in reading comprehension, english, spelling, science, home ec...ok, ok...sounds like bragging now...no, not bragging, reminiscing...have forgotten it all! lol! anywhoooo, point is...ironic, that I could do so well, in reading comprehension, 'back then', and now, hate detailed instructions! go figger! think it's the mental effect of the fibro!
(gotta blame it on somefin! :mrgreen: )
Y'all bin at the twinkies agin? (is that redneck spelling?!) :D :D :D

K x

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