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Old 07-25-2011, 10:55 PM
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Pacific Northwest
Posts: 47

I found a picture of the Jelly Donut pattern online, and the picture looks like there are 34 blocks - 4 columns of 5 blocks (20), and 3 columns of 4 (12) for a total of 32 full size blocks. It looks like the 3 columns each have a 1/2 block on the top and bottom, so that would mean you would make 3 blocks, and cut them in half so you have 6 - 1/2 size blocks. . . and therefore a total of 35 blocks.

I did note on the online picture of the Jelly Donut, the pattern calls for 40 2.5" strips of fabric or just one jelly roll, so maybe the proofreader for the publication company is not a quilter and does not understand the difference between a block and a strip of fabric. . . . hmmmm....just a thought.
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