Thread: Do you EQ?
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Old 11-18-2007, 06:38 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Greenville, SC
Posts: 1,768

I have EQ5 and upgraded to EQ6. The reason for the activations is so people don't buy then sell for cheaper and buy more and so on and so on. It makes sense. And there is no spyware. All programs have legal issues, it is just no one reads the small print. EQ6 doesn't beat around the bush and puts the facts right out there. Better then MicroSoft! But also if you really had a problem with the activations and notified EQ they do help. They are just trying to stop pirating so they can stay in business and keep us EQer's happy. Also if it is just patterns you want there are cheaper programs out there. I think the name of one is Quilt Pro. EQ is for someone who wants to design or learn to design their own patterns. Even before I had EQ I never used a pattern to make a quilt. I used the patterns for ideas that is all. Even my first quilt a baby quilt I designed using Thomas the Train fabric (without EQ). Anyway just though I would put in my 2 cents. :D On a nother subject I am going to post a new subject about a couple of contest. Mall Crawl and the Bunny Hop. Its fun. So check new subjects in a litte bit if you like contest. :D
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