Old 07-29-2011, 07:36 AM
Gramma B
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Central Dakota
Posts: 690

Wow, hope hubby is feeling better! Scary and bizzare.

Reminds me of a story about my brothers. We have always had bee hives at the farm; they bring them in the spring and remove them in the fall. They are always around the house, barn, anywhere they can get water, and find flowers. They never have caused any problems.

Well, a couple of years ago, the bee hives had been removed about the week before. Evidently some of the bees were not in the hives when they removed the hives, and got violent. They attacked both of my brothers who were out in the shop at the time. Both ran to the house for cover, and of course, got several bee stings. My youngest brother found out that day he is allergic to bees.They swelled up immediately and his throat started closing up on him. He rushed to the hospital where they were waiting with the anti-venom.


About 15 yrs ago or so, I was getting ready for work, and kept hearing this buzzing. Thought the water softner needed resetting (we had several powef outage issues), and didn't think anymore about it.

Each morning I kept hearing this buzzing, and it started getting louder. My husband, whose hearing is not the best, started hearing it too; then, went searching.

Somehow, yellow jackets had gotten under the siding of the house, and were making nests between the mainfloor ceiling and upstairs floor. We got an exterminator out there pronto to get rid of them. Since then we have built a new house and destroyed the old.
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