Thread: Triangles
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Old 01-31-2007, 06:48 AM
patricej's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2006
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I have no objection to Thangles. I'm just too cheap to buy such things. LOL

Besides, I had already used my the computer to make my own before I knew I could buy them already made. I cut the fabric strips about 1/4" wider than called for, then center the strips of printed paper, so I know everything will trim down to proper sizes after the stitching is done. And usually only use it for dark fabrics.

If I'm planning to hand-stitch the pieces, I iron freezer paper to the front of the fabric, then print my templates directly onto the back. Saves the time of drawing all those lines. Again, I only resort to that much work if the fabric is too dark for the printed lines to show.

I've done that once in a while to prepare for machine piecing, too. Probably sounds a bit goofy. Slightly more prep work, and uses a little more fabric because of margins, etc. But sometimes it's worth it. Depends mostly on the specific project and the mood I'm in at the time. The method is especially helpful if I want to change a block designed to finish at one size so it'll finish to a different size.

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