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Old 07-31-2011, 03:52 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Iowa
Posts: 1,798

My husband has 3 electric guitars, 1 acoustic guitar, 2 amps, a violin and lots of guitar magazine he never throws away.

I have lots of quilt magazines and plastic canvas books.

I also have taken 20,000 pictures the last 12 years. I used to do weddings; the ones the photographer does not take; the bride and bridesmaids getting ready; doing their hair. and at the dance. I have taken ones of the photographer taking pictures; pictures of their friends. I don't do this anymore because it is just to long a day for me. Now I just take pictures mostly for the church events; the spring and fall prime rib dinners; the church picnic(about 400 that day) first communion, baptisms, the server kids every Sunday; the people who take up gifts, the ushers; children's masses. We have the biggest church picnic around. Serve close to 3,000. People come from everywhere. Our town is only 150 people. Guttenberg, Iowa has the only Catholic school left in Clayton county and we give about $50,000 a year to it. Ladies at church hand quit 8 or 9 quilts through the winter for the church auction. They get together once a week. Three of us get the food on the table; sometimes we need a second table and clean up. The quilters only quilt. Everyone brings something to eat. Senior citizens are invited to eat and they take leftovers home. I take pictures there.
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