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Old 07-31-2011, 03:16 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Port Lavaca, TX
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Originally Posted by fluffynan
I read often of how many of the people on this board have many projects on the go at one time. Wish I could be the same. I was raised to always finish what I started before starting something new, and it is now affecting my quilting. Sounds daft I know. I find that when I am getting bored or frustrated with my current project I am unable to start something new, much as I would love to, until the current project is finished. I am sure that this will eventually affect the quality of my work. How can I overcome this and enjoy having more than one thing on the go at a time?
Do any on you have the same hang ups? It sounds so silly as I am in my 60s and should be able to pick up and put down without the idiotic feeling of guilt.
You know what? You are the lucky one and are really blessed! You get projects done! Jeannie
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