Old 07-31-2011, 07:54 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: other side of the black stump, Perth Western Australia
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Glad you are all ok. Reminded me of our bees that lived in a dead tree by our driveway for years. All of a sudden they swarmed and decided that they wanted to make the garage their new home. We had to end up getting rid of them even though we were very reluctant to but obviously we needed to use our garage.
The guy that came out to exterminate said they were feral bees!??
Both my husband and I and our youngest son are now allergic to bee stings after being stung repeatedly many times even though we were not bothering them.
Reminds me of a funny story...One day my husband and i were gardening out the front and all of a sudden my husband takes off with a bee in hot pursuit (it is funny to watch and I was laughing) which after ducking through a line of washing he managed to lose it..unfortunately he came back for me and I was zigging and zagging trying to get away from it when it went down my top! i was only wearing a sleeveless shirt with no bra but didnt want to get stung so took off my top in a mad panic and was running around the front topless still trying to lose the bee. (My husband was laughing hysterically at this point). Needless to say I got stung and my arm swelled up and was so painful.
Luckily no one went past when all this was happening...
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